Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Blessed Roux

The astonishing beauty and joy and goodness of the relationship of the Father, Son and Spirit is the blessed roux destined to permeate the dish of the whole cosmos.


  1. I can smell it from here... :)


  2. Only if we let it.

  3. And even if it does, we are the sovereigns who can somehow thwart this beauty and joy :(?

  4. Hi Baxter
    Let all humanity clap their hands and praise his name!

    Exhilarated as the reality of the future, which is already here in Jesus, starts to make itself known. Time has been displaced by eternity and its course is set, salvation is complete for all the Cosmos, yet eagerly waiting for those to join in the dance. The old is gone the new has come. I am being awakened from sleep. I cannot see clearly! Yet, I hear the beaconed call of things that are and will be! The glory of the Lord is all around me and in me, yet I stumble and fall over my own composition, the very compost I have accepted in my own thinking! I just want to thank, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and rest in the finished work of Jesus! jg

  5. Learning to "taste and see" is a process for sure but a most wonderful process indeed.

  6. Mmmmmm; dat's some mighty fine roux, dat is!

  7. Dear Baxter,
    Please excuse me for disrupting the flow here.
    This way seems to be the only way to contact you. Something is wrong w/your website. After repeated attempts, I am unable to register. I have e-mailed, but no response.
    BTW, Love your books! Keep 'em coming!

  8. The roux is base on the one thing that everyone need. LOVE !!! the physical roux comes into it's when shrimp and other things are added. This roux is complete, perfect yet the roux reaches out for the un-perfect and makes it taste perfect also. Papa sure know how to cook. Mud puppies is good to.Hu!!!
    maybe next year rebels!

  9. Hey Baxter, this is Sarah from School of Theology last summer in Oregon. Please write more blogs! :)

  10. I have just found your blog, and reconnected with the wonder of the Father's love after listening to my old and battered copy of Real Reconciliation today, Good Friday. Thanks once again for keeping on teaching and inspiring and i really hope you make it back to Melbourne, Aust, soon as I haven't seen you face to face since....2006!
