Friday, September 9, 2011

A Ken Blue Gem

My friend Ken Blue and I were having a fantastic conversation about election and how Jesus was chosen first and we in him before the foundation of the world. He summed up the conversation with one of his great lines.

"Predestination means that you were eternally found in Jesus before you were ever lost in Adam."


  1. bookstore phone# doesn't work.... please. thanks.

  2. Wow. Thank you Ken and Baxter!
    More important, thank you Lord!

  3. I love Ken's comment too - my deepening understanding of this truth is revolutionising my life and ministry. Thanks Baxter, thanks Ken, thank You Lord.

  4. Very interesting concept. What does that mean for Sodom & Gomorrah? Are they eternally found? Why was God's judgement on them so harsh?

  5. The way I see it, God only disciplines his children, so I see Sodom/Gomorrah's judgment as evidence of their "eternal found"-ness. He disciplined them to save them. Their destruction is the first step toward their restoration:

  6. Great Line! And what a confirmation as I was just writing an essay on this topic. Thanks for sharing another nugget of truth. Blessings, Florian

  7. "Predestination means that you were eternally found in Jesus before you were ever lost in Adam."

    << I think this is the Gospel right here.

    Prolepsis. "...the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev 13:8, KJV).

  8. Baxter,
    would you please review my email's to you concerning my monthly contribution I MUST cancel? I have sent you request on the contact us form a number of times and there has been no response. I need to cancel for financial reasons at this time.

    Just this morning, I see an email confirmation of ANOTHER monthly contribution. Although it is a small amount I must cancel.

    Blessings, Thank you.

    Terry Stewart

  9. I had always struggled with the predestination thing until one about 8 months ago I was reading the 1st chap of Ephesians and it suddenly hit me, exactly what you state here in this short post, that Jesus was chosen first and then us in Him. I love it when He teaches me something new!
