Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Beam

I have been reading Dallas Willard's, The Divine Conspiracy.  Note what he says about the beam (or board) in our own eyes.

"Condemnation is the board in our eye.  He knows that the mere fact that we are condemning someone shows our heart does not have the kingdom rightness he has been talking about.  Condemnation, self-righteousness, blinds us to the reality of the other person.  We cannot 'see cleary' how to assist our brother, because we cannot see our brother.  And we will never know how to truly help him until we have grown into the kind of person who does not condemn.  Period.  'Getting the board our' is not a matter of correcting something that is wrong in our life so that we will be able to condemn our dear ones better—more effectively, so to speak" (p. 224).


  1. Heard this same message from a very surprising sermon last Sunday. A very convicting message but I knew it was from God and was for me to hear. Its amazing that we can see at all sometimes!

  2. Isn't it wonderful to have the opportunity to see others as God sees them (through a glass darkly, of course). I rejoice that it's God's will for ALL to be saved. He states that in His word several times. To me that precludes any judgement on our part. Thank you for all you do to keep the true gospel alive and kicking!

  3. It's a great book Baxter, full of life-giving truths. Congratulations to the father of the bride - she clearly got all your good looks :)
    See you in Hawaii
